Monday, December 27, 2004


[Database]Use profiles to create a password management policy

Most Oracle database users create user accounts with the default profile.
Since Oracle 8, it's possible to lock an account by creating a profile and assigning it to a user with either of these two statements:

CREATE USER myuser . . . PROFILE myprofile;
ALTER USER myuser PROFILE myprofile;

A typical attempt to break into a database account is to try several commonly used passwords, such as "welcome" or the username. You can prevent multiple failed attempts at logging in by using the profile tag FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS:


Users assigned to this profile will be locked out of their accounts after five login attempts with an incorrect password. The account will be inaccessible for one day or until a DBA issues the command ALTER USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK.

Even after several years, I've found that my old password still works on previous projects. This makes a good case for placing a limit on a password's lifetime so it will expire after a certain period (e.g., at the end of a contract). There's also an option to allow a specific grace period, which is useful for projects that aren't used very often. If the user doesn't log in until after the password expires, the user can still connect, but a warning will display until the grace period expires. Use the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME and PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME tags on a profile to enable these features.


Users assigned to that profile will be locked out of their accounts 30 days after the last time the password is changed. After 30 days, attempting to log in will result in warning messages for three more days before the account is locked.

Many users will see these limits and simply try to reset their passwords to what they were previously using rather than using a new password each time. You can prevent users from reusing a password with the PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME and PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX tags.


Users with this profile will not be able to reuse a password for 30 days, or until after they change the password 100 times.

Finally, some users will use passwords that are easy to guess. It's possible to restrict a password's format (such as checking for a minimum width, letters, numbers, or mixed case, or verifying that the password isn't a variation of the username) by creating a PL/SQL procedure that validates passwords. You must format the procedure like this:

userid varchar(30),
password varchar(30),
old_password varchar(30)
. . .

You can assign this function (which can be any name, but it must be owned by the SYS account) with the following:


Scott Stephens worked for Oracle for more than 13 years in technical support, e-commerce, marketing, and software development.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004








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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Recreate prior work with source code control

Recreating work from six months ago without some source code control can be quite difficult. Source code control, which should be part of any professional programming shop, provides several important functions: concurrent updates, history, source code archives, history, and versioning.

Concurrent updates mean that more than one programmer can work on a code module at a time. When all of the changes are made, the source code control tool can combine the changes into the original code.

Source code archiving means that you won't lose your code. All of your code for all of your applications is stored in a central location. If you back up this central location, then your source code is safe--or at least safer if it's distributed ad hoc amongst all of your developers' workstations.

History refers to the ability of your source code control to take you back in time in your code. You'll be able to see which changes were made by whom and when. This is extremely helpful if you deploy changes that you need to take out for some reason.

Versioning, which is another form of the history function, allows you to capture a snapshot in time of all the code for a specific application or module and give it a name. You would normally do this when the application is in a working state, so that you could easily extract a working version of the application without knowing what changes have been made since then.

There are plenty of source code control programs, though CVS is probably the most well known. You can also find free versions for Windows and *nix systems. Subversion is an up and coming open source version control system. There are even commercial options like BitKeeper.

David Petersheim is the Director of Application Development with Genscape, Inc. He designs and develops server-side applications to acquire and process real-time energy data.


Set up Ethernet aliases

When you set up a Linux system's network, you typically assign one IP address per network interface card (NIC). This serves as the primary address for the NIC. For example, a firewall may have one Ethernet interface (e.g., eth0) assigned an external ISP-supplied IP, whereas the other interface (e.g., eth1) would have a local IP used on the local LAN.

But in a situation that requires multiple IP addresses on a machine (all of which connect to the same network), you don't need one NIC per IP address. Linux is capable of mapping multiple IP addresses to a single NIC by using IP aliasing.

To set up an IP alias, execute the following:

# ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up

This assigns the IP address to eth0 as the first alias (noted as eth0:0) on eth0. If you look at the output of ifconfig, you'll see the distinct IP address for eth0 and another for eth0:0.

If you need to add another IP address, just run the same command as root, and increment the alias number. In this example, the next alias number would be eth0:1.

On Mandrakelinux, Red Hat, and similar systems, you can make aliases automatic by creating files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. In this directory, create a new file called ifcfg-eth0:0 that contains the following contents:


On systems that don't use these network scripts, just add the call to ifconfig directly in your startup script (usually /etc/rc.d/rc.local).

Saturday, December 18, 2004






  新加坡首先国家严格控制土地,严格规划,建高楼。另外,为防止少数人拥有过多房产和房地产泡沫,采用了政府直接参与房地产开发和管理的方法。政府成立建屋局,统一规划,建设和管理。目前,全国80%多的人口都居住在这种房屋里。一般说来,对于新加坡人,一套3室一厅的房子也就是人民币70万到 100万。这是因为政府有对公民买房有补贴。而同样的房子,外国人买住了5年以上的二手的,也要120万元以上。新加坡的全国平均工资大概是人民币每月 15000(税前,包括雇主交的公积金)。一般新加坡人,如果夫妻都工作,很容易买下房子。而且几年以后还可以卖给外国人,挣50万左右,再到私人房产市场买更好的住房。所以,在新加坡人人都有房住,而且年轻人结婚都可以买房(当地人很少上研究生,要上也是在职那种,不影响挣钱),对于大学生几年后就可以攒够房钱而追求其它的了。  







  我们中国的经济发展导致了人员过剩和失业,这是正常现在。问题是我们没有创造足够的新就业机会。就业机会很难让政府直接创造,政府应该创造的是一种环境,激发个人对理想,包括财富的追求,从而为社会创造就业。让每一个想工作的人找到工作。我们的毕业分配制度用了10年的时间,只是改革了一半,取消了分配,但是,还是逼着大学生当年必须找到工作,否则户口打回原籍,永远没有改变户口的机会了。这些都该取消了,都知道要取消,为什么就这么难?我不想看到“管分配“老师的嘴脸了,也不想看到“管档案“,更不想和学校户籍科“管户口“打交道了。我希望食堂就是外面的餐厅,而不是一个“管食堂“的“老师 “管理的处级单位。  








么的,企业要给职工交的)。新加坡一般每月工资的20%用做基金,另外,公司再出 13%(经济好是多出些,坏时少一些)。用于医疗,养老和买房。用于医疗和养老的部门年存款利率大约是4%。住房部门可以用来买房,医疗部分可以用来报销医疗开销或者买医疗保险。这样一个人如果30岁时有1万元基金,63岁退休时将有3.6万元。老百姓允许用这些钱进行风险低的投资,如债券,股票,投资基金。到55岁时可以取出来,也可以买养老金,到时候每个月就有了固定的退休金。是你的永远是你的,你自己安排自己的生活,清清楚楚,很分明。有人中间到美国工作了几年,过几年发展的不好,又回来了,没关系,以前的帐户还在,接着交就可以了。很多30多岁的人就开始规划自己的退休了。  

  我们有了这些,还不完善。关键是一笔糊涂帐。比如这几金好像只是随工资挂钩,而没有和奖金抓构,这样是不是太少了。另外,应该扩大到国家范围,而不是户口所在地,否则很多人无法交。还要要写清楚,现在交了,将来究竟享受什么退休待遇,还是退休是还是像现在一样安装行政级别来,如果这样,大家还有什么积极性?拼命往上爬就可以了。另外,自己交了多少,是不是定期应该有一封信告诉自己。我记得在上海问过一些同学,他们好像都不清楚这些。如果一个人在 55岁去世了,这些基金可不可以转给配偶或者子女?另外,如果政府代大家投资这部分钱,是不是大家应该享受增值?我们都是一笔糊涂帐。谁也不清楚?至少我是查不到。我老公出国前工作过,估计现在户口都注销了,不知道以前交的还有没有?是不是被贪污了。  













Wednesday, December 08, 2004


[NewTopic] Patch Management

The following are some useful links.,39035505,39182517,00.htm


[3G]Will China wait for TD-SCDMA?

Will China wait for TD-SCDMA?

November 15, 2004

One of the hot topics for many delegates at this week’s 3G World Congress will be the uncertain direction of China’s 3G plans, and the commercial fate of Chinese-developed 3G technology TD-SCDMA.

While China’s 3G timetable has always been a matter of guesswork and wishful thinking, announcements at a conference in Beijing last week raised both hopes and eyebrows.

Chen Jin-qiao, head of the MII’s Research Institute Telecom Policy Division, said that Chinese authorities believe 3G promises potential benefits for a wide range of related value chain industries. As such, the MII wants a 3G policy that will maximize benefits across the board, not just for a few companies.

Chen also said the MII had finished evaluating most of the technical issues, and is now focused on assessing the market impact of 3G and hashing out variables such as interconnection, inter-network roaming and network sharing.

One eyebrow-raiser was the MII’s revelation that TD-SCDMA had failed in several key areas after a series of tests, indicating it was far from ready for commercial deployment. Problems cited included unstable networks, an unreliable core network, and a dearth of compatible handsets with which to test the system.

That said, the MII still says it will continue to back TD-SCDMA, but this has raised the question of whether it will wait until TD-SCDMA is ready before issuing any 3G licenses.

Late last week, the China Academy of Telecommunications Research proposed three separate 3G networks for China – one each for W-CDMA, cdma2000 and TD-SCDMA – with the added recommendation that the government wait for TD-SCDMA technology to be improved before issuing 3G licenses.

Chen speculated that part of TD-SCDMA’s problems was the lack of strong foreign participation in its development.

The same day, Alcatel Shanghai Bell and Datang Mobile announced a partnership to drive TD-SCDMA development.

In response to queries from the 3G Show Daily about the TD-SCDMA results, Alcatel reaffirmed its belief in TD-SCDMA in a statement, saying the company was “confident that TD-SCDMA terminals will soon be widely available,” and that it expects the first TD-SCDMA products from its Datang partnership to be delivered to the Chinese market by June 2005.


[Server] Server Trends 2005 and beyond

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


TD-SCDMA is a go despite concerns over trials

TD-SCDMA is a go despite concerns over trials

John C. Tanner

TD-SCDMA proponents reaffirmed their support for the Chinese 3G technology on Wednesday following last week’s report of technical problems during tests.

Chen Jin-qiao, director of the Institute of Telecommunication Research, a division of the MII's China Academy of Telecommunication Research, said he was not disappointed with the results of the trial, revealed last week at a 3G conference in Beijing, in which the technology showed problems with network stability and core reliability.

“There are always problems in developing any standard,” he said following a panel session on 3G deployment strategies. “Once you commercialize it, you can deal with the problems one by one.”

Chen said he expects TD-SDMA products could see commercial launch in the second half of 2005, and that, assuming a theoretical commercial launch of all three 3G technologies by the end of next year, TD-SCDMA could account for 20% of the 3G market and 25% of revenues by 2010.

That said, he took pains to caution that it was still up to the MII, which has yet to make any final decision on a time framework for rolling out 3G in China.

“It’s not just about TD-SCDMA, it’s also about reforming the market, ensuring competitiveness and so many other complicated factors,” he said. “That’s why the Chinese government is looking at other policies to help further development.”

One possible policy under consideration is supply incentives such as tax credits to vendors developing TD-SCDMA to shorten their time cycles.

George Huang, VP of wireless networks for Greater China at Nortel Networks, said TD-SCDMA’s development would benefit by more foreign vendor participation.

“We need more people to join in to develop the technology in different areas – handsets, chipsets and test equipment,” he said. “We need more heavyweights. We’re happy to see Alcatel come in. We’d like to see more come in.”

Huang said press reports that the MII trials showed TD-SCDMA was well behind W-CDMA and cdma2000 “should be no surprise,” pointing out that cdma2000 and W-CDMA have been commercial since 2000 and 2001, respectively.

“TD-SCDMA won’t catch up to cdma2000 and W-CDMA as fast as some would like, but look at the number of vendors developing it.”

The TD-SCDMA Industry Association, of which Nortel is among the original members, only claims 16 members.

The TD-SCDMA trial results have led to speculation that China will delay its 3G licensing plans further until TD-SCDMA is ready – which the China Academy of Telecommunications Research recommended Friday – but Huang says the delay may not be all that long.

“The key window to me is, if we can deploy commercial TD-SCDMA in the third quarter of 2006, it should be okay,” he said. “That will allow for another year to fine tune the system before the Olympics in Beijing in 2008.”
About the Author
John C. Tanner
Global Technology Editor
About John C. Tanner
See more articles by John C. Tanner

Monday, December 06, 2004


Find out who's using your system

Find out who's using your system

Linux is a multiuser system, and that means that more than one person can log into the system at any given time. You can also log into the desktop as well as a console (or even two) at the same time.

It's not uncommon to have more than one user connected to a Linux system at one time. Friends or family can connect remotely via ssh.

Determining who has logged into the system is very simple. You can find out by using a couple small utilities. The easiest to use is the who command, which displays who currently has logged in and from where.

Here's an example:

$ who
root tty1 Jul 24 10:13
joe pts/0 Aug 1 14:17 (

This shows you that root has logged in on the first tty (console). It also shows that joe has logged in via ssh, connecting from the machine "" It also indicates the time when these users logged in.

Another useful tool is the last command, which provides information about when a user last connected to the system. Like the who command, the last command returns the username, where they connected, and when they logged in. It also tells you when they logged out or if they're still connected.

Here's an example:

$ last
joe pts/0 Sun Aug 1 14:17 still logged in

Keeping track of who's been using your computer couldn't be easier using these two command-line tools.


S'pore pushes business continuity, disaster recovery standard

News : Security : Article
S'pore pushes business continuity, disaster recovery standard
By Isabelle Chan, CNETAsia
Thursday, December 2 2004 6:27 PM

SINGAPORE--A new certification program has been developed in Singapore to help raise the quality of business continuity and disaster recovery services, and establish the island-state as a key destination for high-end business process outsourcing services.

Developed by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) Working Group of the Information Technology Standards Committee, the new industry standard is touted as the world's first benchmark for BC/DR services.

IDA unveiled the program this morning during a presentation which saw seven service providers in Singapore receiving certificates of achievement, awarded under the new standard by PSB Certification. The companies are: Hewlett-Packard, IBM, NCS and Singapore Computer Systems in the BC and DR service provider category; and Equinix, SingTel Expan and StarHub in the DR facility category.

The industry standard specifies stringent requirements, such as stipulations for operating, monitoring, maintaining and up-keeping BC/DR services offered to clients. It serves to differentiate the service providers and guide end-user companies in choosing the best-fit vendors.

According to an IDA spokesperson, there are 15 to 20 BC/DR services providers in Singapore. Apart from the seven that were awarded today, "a few more" companies have applied to be certified, she added.

The certification program supports the government's aim to enhance BPO (business process outsourcing) service delivery in Singapore, providing foreign companies with the much-needed assurance they look for when they locate their operations or conduct business activities in the island-state.

Senior Minister of State for Information, Communications & the Arts and Health, Dr Balaji Sadasivan, said during his opening address: "The establishment of the BC/DR industry standard is indeed a significant milestone to further cement Singapore’s position as a trusted infocomm hub."

"Not surprisingly, major foreign banks such as Citigroup have chosen Singapore to be their regional processing center for operations such as cash and securities settlement and claims processing," he added. "MNCs have chosen to locate their operations in Singapore because we offer a highly secured and stable business environment."

According to IDA, Singapore is now better placed to provide support for high-end BPO activities such as treasury functions and project management, which require a secure environment, reliable telecommunications infrastructure and a ready pool of info-comm skilled manpower.

IDA will invest S$12 million (US$7.3 million) over the next two years to develop the capabilities of the local BPO industry. The bulk of the investment will go toward training 1,000 infocomm professionals in BPO service provision by 2006.

In addition, IDA will promote R&D on outsourcing technologies and help companies seed 20 projects worth more than S$10 million (US$6.1 million) over the next two years.

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