Friday, April 01, 2005


Building an SOA: Do's and don'ts

expert's view A service-oriented architecture is commonly acknowledged as the most cost-effective and efficient way to integrate disparate information systems together, as well as bridge the gap between sliced or heterogeneous systems.

1. DO begin with realistic expectations
2. DON'T get too close to the bleeding edge
3. DO expose existing enterprise functionality as services
4. DON'T perpetuate fine-grained, tightly coupled interfaces
5. DO design services to be used from any language or platform
6. DON'T succumb to proprietary technology
7. DO the simplest thing that work.
8. DON'T just press the 'make this a web service' button to expose ordinary objects as services.
9. DO design with evolution in mind.
Finally, DON'T try to design everything in advance

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